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Friday, March 17, 2006 

About Swing State Ohio

Ohio is perhaps the swingiest of the swing states in the crucial 2006 mid-term elections. The Republican controlled Congress is in more danger now than it has been since it came into power just 12 years ago. Aside from the balance of power in the legislature, the 2006 elections can provide much needed momentum for Democrats, especially in key swing states. There are perhaps 3 dozen contestable seats in the House of Representatives and as many as 7 or 8 in the Senate. While there are many contestable races in battleground states, at this time it appears as if a disproportionate number of them will be in the great state of Ohio. As it turns out, Ohio is also poised for several highly contested statewide races this November.

Jennifer Duffy of the non-partisan Cook Political Report, which analyzes national races had this to say about Ohio in 2006. "It’s become a very large symbol of how things all seem to hang in the balance. Democrats are hoping that winning here sets them a pretty clear path to 2008."

This is my humble attempt at blogging the 2006 congressional and statewide races in Ohio. As an inter-disciplinary studies major at Miami University I studied the role of information technology in the American electoral process. In the course of my studies I've come to the conclusion that the internet is the most effective tool currently available for engaging and motivating Americans. This site, in addition to being a resource for voters and democratic campaigns, offers me the opportunity to experiment with a combination of traditional and unconventional methods of presenting political information via the internet. Inspiration for this project comes from the likes of Markos Moulitsas, Tim Tagaris, Jerome Armstrong, Joe Trippi, Matt Stoller and everyone else harnessing the power of technology to advance progressive politics.

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