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Monday, May 01, 2006 

Brown Campaign Internal Poll

Via email:

Now, generally speaking, do you think things in this country are going in the right direction, or do you feel things are pretty seriously off on the wrong track?

Right direction 22 percent
Wrong track 68 percent
Don't know 10 percent

How would you rate the job being done by George W Bush as President -- excellent, good, just fair or poor?

Excellent 8 percent
Good 21 percent
Just Fair 21 percent
Poor 50 percent
Don't know 0

How would you rate the job being done by Mike DeWine as United States Senator -- excellent, good, just fair or poor?

Excellent 5 percent
Good 29 percent
Just fair 39 percent
Poor 14 percent
Don't know 13 percent

Overall, do you think Mike DeWine deserves reelection as United States Senator, or do you think that someone else should be given a chance?

Deserves reelection 30 percent
Someone else 48 percent
Don't know 21 percent

In the election for United States Senate, if the candidates were (READ AND ROTATE), for whom will you vote? (IF UNDECIDED) Well, if the election were held today, and you had to decide right now, toward which candidate would you lean (READ AND ROTATE)?

Democrat Sherrod Brown 45 percent
Republican Mike DeWine 44 percent
Still undecided 11 percent

These questions are from a survey of 800 likely general election voters conducted by The Feldman Group April 24-April 27 for the Sherrod Brown for U.S. Senate campaign. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Sample base is 2004 general election voters selected by the random cluster method from the Ohio voter file and screened for likely participation in the November 2006 general election.

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